A first look at Russia’s fundamentals in 2021In the Economist Intelligence Unit democracy index 2020 Russia ranks #124 among 167 nations and is considered authoritarian, although the…Apr 8, 2021Apr 8, 2021
A first look at Turkey’s fundamentals in 2021Turkey is a vast nation with an area of 783,562 km2 and 7,200 kilometers of coastline. Turkey’s population of 85,042,000 in 2021 will…Apr 7, 2021Apr 7, 2021
A first look at Portugal’s fundamentals in 2021Throughout the present manuscript I never question democracy, I question and doubt politics as a governance paradigm to administer…Apr 4, 2021Apr 4, 2021
A first look at Albania’s fundamentals in 2021When I landed in Tirana in August 2015 I never thought I would be writing these lines in April 2021. The small Balkan republic has…Apr 4, 2021Apr 4, 2021